Hello from Venneford Farm Country Meats
Up Coming Dates !!
February 27, is our 25th Wedding anniversary.
February 29, Yes, this year is Leap Year.
Pork Kielbasa brats, 6 per pack. I will be picking them up from the butcher on Friday after work.
Well the nice thing is that with so little snow this year we don’t have mountains of snow banks to be melting when it warms up. This also means our driveway will not turn into a sink hole.
We just butchered a pig this week. We have openings for half or whole pigs again in 2 weeks. We also have openings for mixed quarters of beef in April. To place orders for filling your freezer, please email or give me a call.
During the winter people tend to feel more tired, less energetic, move slower, etc. See my nutrition page for nutritional information that may help. Get more ZIP with beef.
Remember, we take EBT tokens.
Question & Answer ------
I was asked what the difference is between the regular pork chops and the sirloin pork chops.
The regular pork chops have a bone with the one large circle of meat. These are also called the rib chops. A package of 2 chops can average between .8 and 1.25 lbs.
The Sirloin chops have several sections of meat around the large loin section and around the bone. These chops are cut from the end of the loin where you get the pork sirloin roast. A package of 2 chops usually averages between 1.25 and 1.75 lbs.